Wednesday, May 5, 2010


It’s been how long since my first vote was cast on a ballot. Now another election is past approaching with a new system. With the computer age, a new and safe way to cast your vote is being designed by IT experts.

It was recently pilot tested and found out that there are so many errors in the matters of counting the votes. Some say that machine only counts for national and not included the local. With this problem many people including the one who run for the post are getting nervous as to how it would turn out effectively, without affecting the accurate counting in the number of votes.

Many have suggested of postpone the election for may result in a failure of election if ever. Others would say that it’s been started and the only way to resolve is to finish it.

On the side of the IT problems, I have talked to an IT expert about his suggestion regarding this matter he said “I knew this problem will rise since every Municipality, City and Provinces needs different names needed to be read by the machine. The problem could have been lessen if the COMELEC sends an IT Expert along with the machine that will make the flashing of needed program into the flash memory upon the arrival to its destination. Flashing was just an easy task; it’s just like copying a certain file to another destination. This could save them time money and effort and should also make the new system more credible”