Thursday, July 4, 2013

Saint Joseph College HYMN

Saint Joseph’s, majestic and stately
Art thou in the radiant dawn,
The sunbeams so fondly caressing,
The youth that there skips on thy lawn
St. Joseph’s, this world doth inspire
All hearts that for thee are on fire.

St. Joseph’s, St. Joseph’s
Thy workers are brimming
With joy, with joy
‘Neath the all glowing sky,
The mirth of the singing bright weather
Beams forth from thy rapturous eyes
St. Joseph’s, this world doth inspire
All hearts that for thee are on fire.

St. Joseph’s, St. Joseph’s
Thou wilt be my solace,
My beacon, my beacon
Of hope in grey grief,

Thou have spurred me to soar in all weather
To Him, who Himself is relief
St. Joseph’s with wonder I brim,
For thee are my pledge  and my hymn
St. Joseph’s hail!
St. Joseph’s hail!