Friday, April 30, 2010

Butterfly Origami

Mini orgami butterfly is perfect for scrap book, invitations and other decorative ideas. I use this origami butterfly to add a gorgeous look to my invitation's envelope.

Indoor Plants

Sansiviera Trifasciata "Laurenti" also known as snake plant or the mother in laws tongue because of the sharp leaves. In Japan they call it a Tiger’s tail but in Brazil it is popularly known as sword of Saint George because of it leaves shape forming like blade. It is also used in performing rituals to cast away the evil eye. Another name for this plant is “sword of Saint Barbara”. In Africa they use sansiviera as a protective charm to drive away evil and bewitchment.

Sansiviera is so easy to take care of, with a little amount of water and sunlight it can still grow and have flowers.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My hobby


This is one of my hobbies, I do this during my free time. I have created the flower vase origami and use as a design for our home.

Watch out for more of my creations.


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